Wednesday, October 28, 2020

To summarize the particles


To summarize:

1. What determines how each part of a sentence relates to the verb:

2.Particle summary list





Interchangeable Particles 


あした  あめ です

As for tomorrow, it will rain.


 can be replaced with ”が”

See detail about  は VS が


にほん  あめ じゃないです


As for Japan, it will not rain.

Implies it rains somewhere.


アメリカ  あめ じゃないです

As for the US, it will not rain, too.



10じかん  あめ でした

It rained (surprisingly) for 10 hours.



Subject of Predicate

あめ  つめたいです

 Rain is cold.

 can be replaced with ”は

See detail about  は VS が

Object of Emotion

あめ  きらいです

Rain is the one that I dislike.

 can be replaced with ”は

See detail about  は VS が

Object of Potential


にほんご  はなせます


I can speak Japanese.


  can be replaced with ”は

See detail about  は VS が

New Information

あめ  ふっています

It is raining

 can be replaced with ”は

See detail about  は VS が


だれ  きますか?

Who will come (transportation)?


Direct Object

ケーキ  たべる

[I will] eat cake.


Location to Leave


いえ  でます


[I will] leave my house.


can be replaced with ”から

Location to Pass


はし  わたります


[I will] cross the bridge.



Direction of Action

みぎ  むきます

[I will] turn right. 


Location of Existence

いえ  います

[I] am in [my] house.




Direction of Motion



きた  むかいます


[I will] head to the north.





がっこう  いきます


[I will] go to school.


can be replaced with ”まで

Target (Indirect Object)


せんせい  あいます


[I will] meet [my] teacher.




おかね を ともだち 


[I will] borrow money from [my] friend.

can be replaced with ”から

Specific Time


6じ  おきます

[I will] wake up at 6.


Notion of Per


5かい はたらきます

I work 5 times a week


Direction of Motion

みなみ  むかいます

I will] head to the south.

can be replaced with ”


アメリカ  いきます

[I will] go to the US.

Partner of Interaction


かのじょ  けっこんします

 [I will] get married to [my] girlfriend. 


Object of Similarity / Difference

ちち  にている

[I] resemble my father. 


Location of Action

いえ  ねます

[I will] sleep in [my] house.





き  いえ を つくります


[I will] make a chair by [using] wood.

can be replaced with ”から

Means or method

タクシー  いきます


[I will] go by taxi.


Reason (Causation)

びょうき  ねむい

[I] am sleepy due to sickness.


Range (Period of Time)


1じかん で とうちゃくします

I'll arrive in an hour




 ひとり  はたらく

[I will] work alone.



はだし  あるく 

[I will] walk with bare feet.



Starting Point

とうきょう から しゅっぱつ する

[I will] depart from Tokyo.


can be replaced with ”


はは から ききました

[I] heard [it] from my mother

can be replaced with ”

Raw Material



ぶどう から ワイン を つくります


[I will] make wine from grapes



can be replaced with ”

State Before Change

あか から あお に かわります

[It will] change from red to blue.



Ending Point

よる まで はたらく

 [I will] work until night.


は VS が

Basic usage

【は】is the topic right after【は】, and 【が】is the subject right before【が】

1.     (かれ)学生(がくせい)です (Student is topic

2.     (かれ)学生(がくせい)です (He is subject

3.     今日(きょう)天気(てんき)いい (Topic is today, weather is subject


More detail  

1.     【が】has the nuance of telling new information to the listener.

Example: きのう、(わたし)友達(ともだち)うちに来ました(きました) My friend came to me yesterday


2.     【が】is used Noun modification これは(わたし)東京(とうきょう)買った(かった)時計(とけい)です This is the watch I bought in Tokyo


3.       is Used for Contrast


【は】is sometime used to emphasize a specific one among other things.


For example, let's say you like only apples among fruits.

In this case, It's better to say that リンゴ好き  rather than リンゴ好きですto emphasize you can only eat apples among the fruits.

が  VS 


When words such as「好き」「きらい」「できる」「たい」「ほしい」,that express states such as likes and dislikes, ability and hope are used in the predicate, and 【を】can be replaced.


1.      わたしは(かれ)(が/を)好き I like him

2.      わたしは(いぬ)好き(すき)

You can use 【が】to express  preference  for things and animals, and you can use 【が/を】 to express the feelings of likes and dislikes for people.

3.      わたしは英語(えいご)(が/を)()める I can read English

4.      わたしはすし(が/を)()べたい I want to eat sushi

5.      わたしは時間(じかん)(が/を)ほしい  I want time It is common to use【が】


When a state or adjective word becomes a predicate, and 【を】can be replaced. When a behavioral or verb-like word becomes a predicate, 【を】is selected.

For example, if you replace it with a word that strengthens the movement, such as 【ほしがる】, it is unnatural to replace it with 【が】

「だれでも,(きん)メダルほしがる」"Everyone wants a gold medal"



  V stem+ ないで   V stem+ なくて 1 じょうきょう condition 朝ごはんを食べないで学校へ来ました。 I came to school w...