Thursday, May 13, 2021

たり and て and し

Te-form and Conjunctive Form


1.The te-form allows you to combine two verbs or more and express sequence of actions or states.      


First Action           Second Action


[I] bought a fish and made Sushi.


2. The te-form can also express parallel actions or states. If there are two topics or subjects 

 This function is also applicable for nouns and adjectives.


        Parallel Action    Parallel Action

I will study Japanese and my younger sister will study English.


My younger sister is pretty and smart.


She is an actress and a singer.


Conjunctive Form (連用形れんようけい)

In order to make your speech more formal, you can replace the te-form with a form called “Conjunctive Form” or “Continuative Form. Conjugation is fortunately very simple. This is applicable for only verbs and i-adjectives.


                  Verb stem          

I will study Japanese and my younger sister will study English.


                 Verb stem          

[I] went to the station by taking a taxi.

(いもうと)かわいく(あたま)がいいです(drop )

My younger sister is pretty and smart.


…たり…たりする: Parallel Markers for Verbs and Adjectives

Meaning:dosuch things as A and B

This is the counterpart to the parallel marker which is for nouns. The function is to list multiple actions or states, but imply that there remains something unlisted.


How to use


Past Short form +

にちようびは べんきょうしたり えいがをみたりしました


I studied and watched a movie etc.,on Sunday


やみのひは すいようびだったり にちようびだったり です


Holidays are Wednesdays or Sundays ( or something else)


このまちは しずかだったり きれいだったり

This town is quiet and beautiful and so forth.



にちようびは いそがしかったり ひまだったり

I'm busy or free on Sundays

                                       …し: Listing 2 more reasons                                                               

Meaning: and; and what’s more

(つか)れているし、(ねむ)いし (いえ)(かえ)りたい

Reason 1   reason 2  conclusion


[I] am tired, sleepy (and something else), so I want to go home.



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