Today, I will talk about ていねいご (one of Japanese polite form). In Japanese there are polite forms and a casual form.
Please put at the end of sentences 'です' or 'ます’ when you speak politely.
1. When should you use polite version?
Adults are expected to use a polite version. When addressing certain people. You will probably use です or ます with are:
1) people of higher social rank
2) people you are not familiar with.
Deciding when to use polite or casual version are a matter of “feel”. It may be better to use them for everyone except family and friends.
In addition, it is a good idea to use the same version
for each person.
let’s concentrate on just ていねいご (です、ます form),
which is the base for そんけいご and けんじょうご.
At this point, what you should know is there are the way to make it polite by putting ですor ます.
Also, you should know conjugation is changed depends on verb categories. I will mention about more detail of conjugation (short (casual), past, negative) on another page because conjugation is little complicate.
2. When and where you put です or ます?
"です" is the polite form of is/am/are/be. It can also come after noun and adjectives to make a sentence polite.
"ます" comes after Verb steam, and functions to make the sentence polite.
This is summarized list to know when you put” ます” or” です”
Noun |
+ |
です |
or Adjective verb |
+ |
です |
Verb |
+ |
ます |
These are example sentences whose” です”
あしたは、はれです。 It is sunny tomorrow.
あなたは、やさいしいです。You are kind.
· これは、ペンです。This is a pen.
3. How to conjugate into polite form of verbs? (see more details in Verb conjugation )
Let ‘s see how to conjugate verbs in each verb category.
• For ru-verbs: Remove the 「る」and add ”ます”
Example: たべる (to eat) → たべ→たべます
• For u-verbs: Changes the last vowel
sound from an / u / vowel sound to an / i / vowel sound and
add ”ます”
Example: いく (to go) → いき→いきます
• 2Irregular verbs する (to do) and くる ( to come):
1. Change
「する」to「し」and add” ます”
2. Change
「くる」to 「き」and add” ます”
Next is examples sentences whose” ます”
わたしは、まいにち テレビ を みます。I watch TV every day
わたしは、ほん を よみます I read a book
わたしは しゅくだい を します I will do homework
· わたしは ごご 5じ に うち に かえります。I come home 5pm
Review Exercise
A) Please fill in the blank with です or ます. You can find the answer at the bottom.
1. わたしは、がくせい( )。I am student
2. わたしは、 まいあさ あさごはん を たべ( )。I eat breakfast every morning
3. あなたは、 12がつ に にほん に いき( )。You will go to Japan December.
4. 11じはん ( )。 It is 11:30
B) Please fill in the blanks into polite form
using the cues. You can find the answer at the bottom.
1. (たべる)
わたしは、ちゅうしょく を ( ) 。
I eat lunch
2. (いく)
かれは、まいにち しごと に ( )。
He goes to work everyday
3. (する)
かのじょ は こうえん で うんどう を( )。
She does exercise in the park.
4. (くる)
せんせい は まいあさ がっこう に ( )。
The teacher comes to school in the morning.
A-1. です
A-2. ます
A-3. ます
A-4. です
B-1. たべます
B-2. いきます
B-3. します
B-4. きます
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