conjunction |
Meaning |
How to use |
examples |
Translation |
exercises |
と |
1. whenever A
happen, B happens too 2.If condition [A] is met, then
[B] will happen. |
Verb |
Present Short
form |
+と |
このボタンを押すとドアが開きます |
If you press this
button, the door will open. |
Noun |
学生じゃないと、安いチケットを買えません |
You can't buy cheap
tickets unless you're a student |
なadj |
外が静かだとよく眠れます |
If it's quiet
outside, you can sleep well |
いadj |
その人と話していると元気になる |
Whenever I talk with
that person, I feel uplifted |
ば |
If condition [A] is
met, then [B] will happen. |
Verb |
Change the ending
from “u” to an “e” from verb dictionary form e.x.たべる(
to eat)=taberu→tabere いく ( to go)=iku→ike する( to do)= suru→sure |
+ば |
このボタンを押せばドアが開きます |
If you press this
button, the door will open. |
Noun |
(Affirmative) +なら/であれ/であるなら (Negative) +じゃなければ/でなければ/じゃないならば/じゃないなら |
日本人であれば、わかる |
If you are Japanese,
you can understand |
なadj |
それが嫌いならば、食べなくてもいいです |
If you hate it, you
don't have to eat |
いadj (take off い)e.x. |
(Affirmative) +けれ (Negative) +くなけれ |
明日寒ければ、出かけません |
たら |
if; after; when~. |
Verb |
Past Short
form |
+ら |
このボタンを押したら、ドアが開きます。 |
If I had money, I
would go travel. |
たらどうですか (How
is it if?)Genki 2 |
Noun |
明日いい天気だったら、散歩しませんか |
If the weather is
nice tomorrow, would you like to go for a walk? |
なadj |
暇だったら、手伝ってください |
If you're free,
please help me out. |
いadj |
もしそのパソコンPCが安かったら、買います。 |
If the PC is cheap,
I will buy it. |
なら |
if; in the case
that~. |
Verb |
Present Short
form |
+(の)なら |
明日、雨が降るなら出かけません |
I won't go out if it
rains tomorrow |
Noun |
※Take off だfrom
short affirmative form |
日本人なら、わかる |
If you are Japanese,
you can understand |
なadj |
それが嫌いなら、食べなくてもいいです |
If you hate it, you
don't have to eat |
いadj |
Present Short
form |
もしそのパソコンPCが安(やす)いなら、買います。 |
If the computer is
cheap, I will buy it. |
Constant Results あめがふると Condition すずしくなる Constant Result If [it] rains, [it] will get cool. |
Hypothetical Conditions たいふうがくれば Hypothetical Condition がっこうは やすみです Result If a typhoon has come, [our] school will
be closed |
Actual Conditions なつがきたら にほん にいく Condition Result If the summer comes, [I] will go to Japan. |
Contextual Conditions ケンがいくなら ぼくも いく Condition Result If Ken goes, I will go, too. |
と |
Suitable |
Suitable |
ば |
Suitable . |
たら |
Acceptable |
Acceptable |
Suitable |
なら |
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